The Cherry Swamp

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Post-COVID, Jose Andres Promises to Make "The Biggest Goddamned Paella You Motherfuckers Have Ever Seen"

Issue No. 17

Post-COVID, Jose Andres Promises to Make "The Biggest Goddamned Paella You Motherfuckers Have Ever Seen"

In a statement recorded from his home kitchen, chef Jose Andres promised the people of Washington D.C. that, once the COVID vaccine is safely administered, he would make “the biggest goddamned paella you motherfuckers have ever seen.” The renowned chef assured that this paella would make his previous outdoor paella events “look like fucking hors d’ourve dishes. Like an ensalada campera that you order and forget about.” The chef plans to shut down the national mall for his cook, insisting “it’s the only place that can hold my thunder.” He has already begun forging a palleria “the size of a fucking municipal aqueduct.” 

“People of the district,” the chef proclaimed, “I assure you that while your governments may have failed you, I have not. And when we win, when we persevere through this virus? We. Shall. Feast.” Jose Andres then punted an onion through his kitchen window and signed off.

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Researchers Discover!! The Perfect Amount of Exclamation Points!!! For Women to Appear Less Threatening!!!!!!!!

NIH- In monumental research released this week researchers have found the perfect amount of exclamation points women should include in emails to appear less threatening! “It’s 13!” said Maria Torres, senior researcher at the National Institutes of Health (Ed note: this reporter included an exclamation point in Torres’ quote because she didn’t want Maria to think she was like being mean or anything by answering the question directly). 

Solidcore Studio Closes After Failing to Follow Covid Guidelines, Produce Six Packs

"My Pod is Completely Isolated," Says Georgetown Man Whose Pod Is the Whole Neighborhood of Georgetown

Coworker Makes Sure You're Aware He Once Met Biden Cabinet Picks          

  1. “He actually goes by Tony, not Anthony Blinken. He mentioned it at the Sizzex, when he was in line, when I saw him TWICE.” 

  2. “I sat at the table across from Janet Yellen at The Blue Duck Tavern once -- hopefully they serve good bone marrow at The White House because that’s her favorite.”

  3. “You know who else likes lattes? Jen Psaki! She LOVES them. I was behind her once in line– unless she was ordering for someone else.”  

Red Line Metro Cars Continue to Decouple in Effort to Social Distance

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