The Cherry Swamp

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I LIVED IT: I Fucked a Cherry Blossom 

Issue No. 35

I LIVED IT: I Fucked a Cherry Blossom 

It started off innocent enough, I started liking every photo of Cherry Blossoms a few weeks ago, they were EVERYWHERE. But then something happened and I started to notice the blossom curves, how it’s smell covered up the scent of urine, and then I thought wow this flower is sexy!  I slid into their DM’s and next thing you know we were sending flirty messages back and forth. We planned to meet up at the Tidal Basin at 1AM (to avoid crowds), and before I knew it we were going at it. I don’t like to kiss and tell, but let’s just say they aren’t the only thing that PEAKED. I knew from the start that this would be a brief affair, before long they would fall off and float away. Honestly I’ve been treated worse by Tinder matches.

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Worried You Won't Accomplish Jack Shit This Year? No Worries, The Cherry Blossoms Will Only Remain in Peak Bloom for 7-10 Days