QUIZ: Is That the Botanical Gardens' Corpse Flower Blooming or Our Country Rotting?

1. Are people around you arranging themselves one-by-one to form a queue or shoulder-to-shoulder to form a blockade?

If you’re in a queue – not to worry! You’re definitely smelling the blooming corpse flower. If you’re blockading: you’re at a protest, and you’re definitely smelling the overwhelming decay of U.S. political institutions.

2. Are you smelling burning human flesh or cheap canned tuna fish?

Smelling burning human flesh is a sure sign you’re spending a riveting afternoon in a greenhouse viewing a touring corpse flower. Smelling cheap canned tuna fish indicates it’s the only thing you can currently afford to eat right now, since inflation has ravaged your country’s economy.

3. Are you near First Street NW?

If you answered yes, the quiz results are inconclusive. You could either be at the Botanical Gardens or be at an active Capitol insurrection. Too close to call!


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