Quiz: Did You Just See Dr. Fauci or Was It Another Short Old Guy With Glasses?

  1. Did you see an old man, AND did he have glasses? 

    • A. Yes

    • B. No

  2. Were you at a Nats Game?

    • A. Yes

    • B. No

  3. Did you yell “HEYYYY! Dr. Fauci! We got Dr. Anthony Fauci over here, everyone!” and then he turned around?

    • A. Yes

    • B. No

  4. Did he turn around because that was his name, or because he was annoyed?

    • A. His name

    • B. Annoyed

  5. Did you rush over to him, show your vaccination card, and ask for an autograph?

    • A. Yes

    • B. No

  6. Did he sign the name “Dr. Anthony Fauci” on your vaccination card?

    • A. Yes

    • B. No

  7. Did he then graciously decline your invitation to your outdoor, masked Thanksgiving dinner? 

    • A. Yes

    • B. No, he’s totally going to be there 

  8. Did you try to invite yourself over to HIS outdoor masked Thanksgiving dinner?

    • A. Yes

    • B. No

  9. Did he tell you that actually open-mouthed kissing among strangers is now very acceptable, and actually rude if you don’t reciprocate?

    • A. No, that seems a bit odd for old Dr. F

    • B. Yes, he came on strong 

  10. Did he ask you to invest in his new crypto cannabis business that is definitely 100% real and only $10,000 if you get in on the ground floor today?

  • A. No, he politely said he has to leave

  • B. Yes and I think I’m going to be a millionaire soon


Mostly A’s: Yes! That was him. Probably.

Mostly B’s: No. You have probably been catfished by a scammer.


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