I Believe Women Should Support Women (Except When I'm Online Stalking My Ex's New Girlfriend)

Lauren Walsh, a Capitol Hill Resident, identifies as a feminist and runs women supporting women blog, although she reserves a special ball of hate for her ex’s new girlfriend. “I think it’s so important to lift the voices of women in our community, it’s high time we stop tearing eachother down and start building each other up” says Walsh. “Except for Sarah, that snaggletooth fugly woman dating my ex.” 

Walsh has spent much of her career working at a women's health non-profit, she has several “Nasty Women Unite” shirts from The Outrage, and her pussy hat is framed on her gallery wall. “I’ve been really blessed to be surrounded by strong women. Together we’ve started a body positive talk circle to smash the patriarchy,” Walsh said. “Yes, at the women’s group I showed everyone Sarah’s Instagram and we all agreed I’m waaaaay prettier than her. We all agreed, she’s a downgrade!” 

When asked if people found Walsh’s view on her ex’s new girlfriend confusing given her feminist ideals, she responded. “Listen I’m not holding up the patriarchal ideal of judging women by their looks, I also think Sarah is dumb. Her hair looks dirty. She also probably puts out waaaayyy too soon.”


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