The Cherry Swamp

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"3...2...1 Happy New President! This is our Ball Drop" D.C. Residents Countdown Trump's Helicopter Departure

"3...2...1 Happy New President! This is our Ball Drop" D.C. Residents Countdown Trump's Helicopter Departure

Silver Lining: Racist Idiots Plotting to Attack State Capitols Finally Learn State Capitals

Truxton Circle Man Still Surprised he Hasn't Gotten Rich, Charismatic, and Happy in 2021

Inauguration Security Teams Repeatedly Reminded "You Have to Watch the White People"

Mitt Romney Shocked as Zero Republicans Show Up to His "Unite the GOP Hot Cocoa Summit"

Getting Serious About Inauguration Security, MPD Replaces Helicopters With Nazgul   

Republicans Support Unemployment Benefits Not Being Carried to Term

Biden Vows to Spend First Ten Days "Scraping the Orange Gunk From Oval Office Desk"

BREAKING: Tom Cotton Not a Bunny Character in Children's Story