The Cherry Swamp

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True Story: The Gen-Z Congressman Joined Our Petworth Group House

A bro-forward group house in Petworth filled its extra room this week with a different kind of housemate: a Congressman. Gen-Z Congressman Maxwell Alejandro Frost couldn’t find any affordable housing near work, so he’s joining the cadre of DC twentysomethings living in group houses. The Cherry Swamp met with his new housemates to see how it’s going.

“He just, like, showed up to our open house last week. You wouldn’t think a Congressman would be browsing Craigslist,” said Matt Matthewson, a 27-year-old “consultant” and self-appointed head of household. “How are you supposed to say no to a Congressman? He like, got elected.”

“We were surprised he looked all the way out here,” added Jameson James, a 25-year-old bartender/aspiring beatboxer. “The commute from Petworth to the Hill kinda sucks. I guess you already need money to work on the Hill?”

“It’s been pretty cool so far no cap,” said Bobby Roberts, a 23-year-old unemployed intern. “He came in here full of hope and ready for change that our landlord will do the maintenance he’s been claiming he’d do for a year. I think it could work, how are you supposed to say no to a Congressman?”

When we asked how the dynamic was going, Matt made sure we knew that he was still in charge. “I’m kind of the speaker of the house…my name is on the lease.” He added “Max is going to be a great Kitchen Committee Chair.”

One peek at Maxwell’s signed housemate agreement shows that he now pays $1800 plus his share of utilities for the small bedroom in the back. Jameson told us that he asked for the main bedroom so he could do his Congressional work but Matt turned him down. “I guess you can say no to a Congressman.”