The Cherry Swamp

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"Having a Picnic at Meridian Hill Park is Too Mainstream," Says Guy Who Has a Picnic at Logan Circle

Spring is finally here! The sun is shining, temperatures are rising, and people are excited to have picnics around DC. Joe Sharps, a 33 year old man living in Shaw, thinks that having a picnic at Meridian Hill Park is way too mainstream. He prefers to have a picnic at Logan Circle. 

“Everyone goes to Meridian Hill Park. Just because it’s very big and it has bathrooms people think it’s the best spot. They are not unique like me,” said Joe while setting up his picnic blanket in a little corner at Logan Circle surrounded by 200 other people. 

“Since I moved to DC I’m always looking for alternative spots,” said Joe. “For instance, people go to the National Mall. That’s so mainstream. I go to the National Arboretum.”

“Joe doesn’t like to read reviews of places because he says that everyone does that,” said Joe’s friend, Norah Krayber. “He refuses to go to Le Diplomate because it’s too mainstream but for some weird reason he says it’s cool to go to Compass Rose. I think they are both well known.”