The Cherry Swamp

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😱 Nightmare on P Street 🧟‍♂️: Parking Enforcement Emerges From the Fog Croaking “I Require Revenue..."

Issue No. 34

Nightmare on P Street: Parking Enforcement Emerges From the Fog Croaking “I Require Revenue..."

As Pressure To Be Awesome Mounts, Summer 2021 Gives Self Pep Talk

Hot Car Hour? Single Tracking? An Insider's Look at Metro Bar: DC’s Newest Bar Made Out of an Old Metro Car

Drink Specials

  • Hot Car Hour

  • Metro Carpet Juice

  • Handrail Shot Luge

  • On-Peak Pricing: All Drinks $28

Bar Activities

  • If You See Something, Drink Something

  • Move to the Center of the Bar

  • Single(s) Tracking: Our “Singles Night” where all drinks take 40 minutes to arrive

  • Closes at 11.

Bro Coworker Interrupts Meeting Facilitator to Wish Her a Happy Women's History Month!

Your Christmas Decorations Are Still Up. Are You Whimsical? Or Depressed?

Quiz: Are You Questioning Your Sexuality or Did You Just See Another Picture of Harry Styles?

Right-Wing March Madness: Worst of the Racists Bracket

Survey: What Will You Bicker About At Your First Family Get Together In Over A Year?

“How much weight people lost”

“How much weight people gained”

“Which one of you ‘discovered’ the best way to load the dishwasher while in quarantine”

“Who has the best solution to debilitating loneliness and existential fear”

BREAKING: They Made "Meat" Out of Another Vegetable Again

Is It Seasonal Allergies or Are You Just Tired Because you Have No Voting Rights, Self-Governance, and Fuckwad Representatives from Wyoming Control your Local Autonomy?